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With fake news reports and factually dubious tweets clouding the U.S. media atmosphere, readers are searching for a voice of reason to cut through all the noise. 。
Many people, it seems, found that voice from an unexpected outlet: 。 Many people, it seems, found that voice from an unexpected outlet: 。
Teen Vogue.。
The U.S. fashion magazine, geared specifically to "teen girls," ran a scathing op-ed on President-elect Donald Trump this weekend. 。SEE ALSO:Trump’s America will also be a new golden age of activism。 In the piece, Teen Vogue。

weekend editor Lauren Duca explored some of the well-documented instances of Trump either lying about things he's done or said, or making factually unsupported claims.。
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Thanks for signing up!。 Tweet may have been deleted 。 Duca likened Trump's tactics to the plot of。
Gas Light,
a 1938 play set in London's Victorian era, in which an overbearing husband systematically hides household items to make his wife question her own sanity. The wife, Bella Manningham, eventually realizes that her husband's trickery coincides with the dimming of gas-burning lamps throughout the building.。
Duca claims Trump is "gas lighting" the U.S. public by spinning any attempt to bring truth to his falsehoods as evidence of bias. 。
Trump himself has recognized at least one of his conspiracy theories was baseless.。 In September, two months before the presidential elections, Trump acknowledged that President Barack Obama was indeed born in the United States. For the past five years, Trump helmed the "birther" movement claiming that Obama wasn't born a U.S. citizen, and thus wasn't eligible to be commander in chief.。Some of Trump's critics seemed surprised to find such scorched-earth language in the pages of。
Some of Trump's critics seemed surprised to find such scorched-earth language in the pages of。
Teen Vogue 。
. Others juxtaposed Duca's Dec. 10 op-ed with the magazine's recent coverage.。
Tweet may have been deleted。 Tweet may have been deleted 。Tweet may have been deleted。 Other writers pointed out that glossy magazines like。Teen Vogue。
have long blended politics and activism with gossip, fashion and beauty.。
, for instance, is known by its readers for publishing both listicles of sex tips and in-depth features on reproductive rights, workplace equality and pro-feminist themes.。 Tweet may have been deleted。 Tweet may have been deleted。
Tweet may have been deleted 。
Trump's supporters were less than amused to see the。
Teen Vogue 。
op-ed populate their social media feeds.。
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