
Not only does the latest Call of Duty move near-future warfare to outer space, it does so with you in the command chair of a military starship.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare switches things up with its protagonist, Nick Reyes. Where past games in the series emphasized the heroism of rank-and-file grunts, Infinite Warfare explores the journey from soldier to leader.
SEE ALSO:Kit Harington is Call of Duty's new villainWhile this has plenty of narrative implications, functionally what it means is this: You're in charge of a ship and its crew. And you're at war with a spacefaring gang of filthy rebels; in gameplay terms, that means space battles.
You can stage an assault on enemy warships, a two-stage process that begins with your Jackal attack fighter moving in to soften up point defenses and enemy fighter screens. Eventually, the action moves to the ship's interior, where you and a squad fight through security forces to commit an act of sabotage, then escape.
A new, extended look at Infinite Warfare's gameplay highlights the space-based action. The next chapter in Activision's Call of Duty series kicks off on Nov. 4 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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