【】first reported the deal, and said the
Get ready for all the tech reviews fit to print.。
The。 New York Times 。has acquired 。 The Wirecutter。, an online product review website focused on technology and consumer goods, and its sister site Sweethome.。
Recode。first reported the deal, and said the。 Times 。is paying more than $30 million for the website. 。
The acquisition comes as the。 Times。is working toward a lofty goal of doubling its digital revenue to $800 million by 2020. The company has found some success with its online subscription model but is suffering from the same print slowdown as the rest of the newspaper industry.。
Tweet may have been deleted。
Tweet may have been deleted 。The Wirecutter。 operates on a different model from most online publications. Instead of selling display ads, the company relies on people to click on links of the products they review. The site then makes money when people buy those products based on the traffic。Wirecutter 。
By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 。 By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 。Thanks for signing up!。
Times。announced the acquisition in a press release. 。 "We’re very excited about this acquisition on two fronts. It’s an impressively run business with a very attractive revenue model and its success is built on the foundation of great, rigorously reported service journalism," said Mark Thompson, president and CEO of The New York Times Company, in the press release.。Wirecutter 。 Wirecutter。was started by Brian Lam, a former editor at。
Gizmodo 。
Wired。 . Lam is staying on in an advisory role, while the site's editor-in-chief and product director will retain their positions.。Tweet may have been deleted。 "The New York Times is the perfect home for The Wirecutter because of our shared love and commitment to reader service and public good through rigorous reporting. And most important, we're thrilled to have the chance to help Times readers find great gear that can improve their lives," Lam said in the press release. 。The 。
The 。
Times 。has been working with。Wirecutter。for a while, with the paper using the website's content to put together pieces like a guide to the best wireless routers. 。VIDEO: Trump's outrageous insults throughout his campaign 。相关文章
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