【】The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

  发布时间:2024-09-20 06:05:52   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Although there are many, many more serious problems plaguing the world, everyone can't stop talking 。

Although there are many, many more serious problems plaguing the world, everyone can't stop talking about Melania Trump's shoes.。

The Trumps made their way to Texas on Tuesday morning to assess the damage left by Hurricane Harvey. While Donald Trump donned a rain jacket and boots, Melanie wore high-heeled, black stilettos.。

SEE ALSO:Melania Trump's new hat helpfully reminds us that she is FLOTUS。

Many people thought this outfit choice was inappropriate, given the fact that the two were visiting a disaster zone. However, one person defending Melania's choice is。 The Daily Show's。 Trevor Noah. Although Noah is a notorious critic of the Donald Trump, he had one thing to say about the so-called incident: "Who cares?

Trevor Noah. Although Noah is a notorious critic of the Donald Trump, he had one thing to say about the so-called incident: "Who cares?" 。Mashable Top StoriesStay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news.Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter 。By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。

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The Daily Show with Trevor Noah。 “I don’t know why anyone should care what anyone wears when they’re on their way to help people,” Noah said. “Like who cares?” Noah also pointed out a similarity between Melania's outfit choice and what the Pope normally wears to help people in need, and although this situation is just。

a little。

a little 。
different, we get it. 。

"In Melania's defense, she lives in a permanent disaster zone, and that's what she always wears," Noah concluded. 。

Featured Video For You。Rescue efforts are underway in Houston。TopicsThe Daily ShowTrevor NoahMelania TrumpPolitics  。
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