
Those feeling lonely on Valentine's Day can take solace in one annual tradition: Pornhub will be offering its Premium service for free.
Whether that's an exciting prospect or a depressing one is for you to decide. But, per Pornhub Insights, for 24 hours non-Premium subscribers will gain access to thousands more videos – some in 4k, if that's what you're into.
SEE ALSO:The best dating sites to find a connection this weekendBut even though staying home all night watching high-definition pornography isn't exactly the traditional way of celebrating the holiday, at least a few folks around the world are likely to tune in. On Valentine's Day of last year, Pornhub says Premium saw a 308 percent increase in traffic.

The countries with the biggest boosts? That'd be Chile with a 7,288 percent increase, followed by Mexico, Peru, Columbia, and Ecuador.
If you're wondering if people out there are looking for Cupid-specific porn, of course there are. Though the little cherub comes in second to the more vague "valentine" in terms of top holiday-related searches. "Love" rounds out the top three, so maybe there's a little romantic in all of us after all.

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! With the death of net neutrality, enjoy those free videos while you still can.
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