
  发布时间:2025-03-07 11:19:03   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Jennifer Lawrence makes headlines for all sorts of things. JLaw makes headlines when she trips. She 。

Jennifer Lawrence makes headlines for all sorts of things.

JLaw makes headlines when she trips. She makes headlines when she trips again, over a traffic cone on the Oscars red carpet. She makes headlines when she jetskis, when she eats and, most recently, when she barfs during a Broadway performance.

Per Page Six, the actress excused herself midway through a Monday night performance of 1984 to throw up.

But although this particular show -- starring Olivia Wilde and Tom Sturridge -- is notorious for making audience members faint or vomit, Lawrence's bout of sickness was reportedly due to a stomach flu she caught from her nephews.

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On Wednesday Wilde chimed in, referencing her play's messy reputation:

Wilde's sustained serious injuries (including a broken tailbone) since the play's public debut. In June, she says she split her lip and broke Sturridge's nose during two performances.

But despite the audience reaction, Wilde's pretty nonchalant about the whole thing.

Per the Hollywood Reporter:

"I’m not surprised, since this experience is unique, bold and immersive," Olivia Wilde, who broke her tailbone and dislocated her rib during previews, told The Hollywood Reporterafter Thursday’s opening-night performance (during which one attendee passed out). "It allows you to empathize in a visceral way, and that means making the audience physically and emotionally uncomfortable."

Translation: Maybe pack a barf bag before attending.

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