Despite her belief in body positivity and supporting other women in business, Kim Kardashian West is still hesitant to embrace the word "feminist."
"Everyone always asks, are you a feminist?" she said during her keynote interview at the BlogHer '16 conference on Friday. "And I don't think that I am."
SEE ALSO:Chrissy Teigen helps Kim Kardashian mourn the loss of her BlackBerryShe then provided a description of what she does believe that sounded kind of like ... feminism. "I just think I do what makes me happy, and I want women to be confident and I'm just so supportive of women," she said. "But I'm not the free-the-nipple type of girl" (her frequent naked photo spreads and selfies apparently notwithstanding).
Of course, this isn't an uncommon position for celebrity women to take: Sarah Jessica Parker, Marion Cotillard, Lady Gaga and many, many other women have said they're not feminists while simultaneously embracing platforms of gender equality.
So, uh, whatever you say, Kim K.
BONUS: Badass women who deserve to be Disney princesses
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