
If you take King of the Hillco-creator Mike Judge at his word, NFTs might be even more valuable than propane.
On Sunday evening, Judge shared another comedic barb with the world: a set of four non-fungible tokens. Styled on the likes of the groundbreaking CryptoPunks project, Judge's comment on the burgeoning crypto-adjacent bubble came as four pixel images of King of the Hillcharacters Hank Hill, Dale Gribble, Bill Dauterive, and Boomhauer.
And let me tell you, these babies are priced to sell.
SEE ALSO: NFT owners insist they're totally not owned by 'right-click savers'

"This NFT will be available soon for six trillion dollars," wrote Judge. "Each. Or you can buy all four for twenty trillion. They're worth every penny."
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Judge was of course joking.
Poking fun at both the absurd valuation of non-fungible tokens like CryptoPunks, and perhaps the fact that Rick and Mortyco-creator Justin Roiland released his own NFTs earlier this year, Judge's tweet followed a long career of satire aimed at the tech set.
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Notably, it appears that Judge did not create the image himself. A Twitter user shared the joke NFT back in August of this year, and after the publication of this article confirmed that it was his art.
"[Just] wanted to clarify that I created the 'NFT'," wrote the artist. "Not sure how [Judge] came across it but glad it could aid his joke."
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Indeed, that the image could be shared by Judge without attribution can itself be read as a sort of NFT joke — both because NFT fans claim the tokenization of art solves for questions of authenticity, and because it so clearly does not.
Somehow, we think Hank Hill would approve.
UPDATE: Nov. 9, 2021, 7:41 a.m. CST: This story was updated to include comment from the artist who created the King of the Hillpixel art.
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