【】BONUS: An animated history of the drone

Just a few days after Google's parent company Alphabet Inc. announced plans to deliver food via drone on the Virginia Tech campus, footage of what might be a lunch delivery has surfaced online.。
Jacob Demmitt of the。 Jacob Demmitt of the 。Roanoke Times。
captured what he says is footage of a drone delivering a package on campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. The clip, shot on Monday, shows a drone lowering a package by string into the middle of a field. After the package detaches from the drone, a pair of people retrieve it.。SEE ALSO:Alphabet and Chipotle are bringing burrito delivery drones to campus。
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Thanks for signing up!。But those truly reaping the project's benefits are the lucky college students who get to eat drone-delivered Chipotle burritos.。 The。 Roanoke Times 。 says a spokesperson for Project Wing declined to comment on the footage, but said that the company will release more information as the experiment progresses. A spokesperson for Google told。
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