Christmas Day should really be renamed Christmas Bey.
No matter how merry your gatherings, or how coordinated your decorations, you just won't have a yuletide celebration like Queen Bey.
SEE ALSO:Yup, Beyonce's 'Lemonade' just got an Album of the Year Grammy nomThe Queen herself reminded us of that fact, with a short and festive video showcasing her plethora of impeccably-dressed Christmas trees and her ability to sleigh all day as a sexy human-reindeer hybrid.
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Please take note of the Lemonade-themed Christmas tree. It's the one decorated with actual lemons.
Is it any wonder that the woman behind this year's most coveted holiday merch also has the strongest ever Christmas tree game?
BRB, buying a plunging neckline and a reindeer antler headband.
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