Clearly the mountain bike had the right of way.
While biking down the Mills Peak trail near Lake Tahoe in California on Tuesday, rider Davis Souza crashed right into a bear.
He was wearing a helmet cam, which captured the whole thing.
SEE ALSO:Bear opens car door, effectively ruining family vacationView this post on Instagram
In the video Souza posted to Instagram, he careens around a corner into a shaded area, where the small bear crossing his path is somewhat difficult to see.
Souza then t-bones the bear, flips over his handlebars and lands on the rocky trail.
"Oh fuck!" he can be heard yelling as he jumps to his feet.
As he looks back up the trail, grunting, the bear is nowhere to be seen. His friends then catch up to him.
"That was a bear," Souza tells them.
Helmet cam or it didn't happen.
Bonus: Corgi butts in slow motion
View this post on Instagram
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