A satellite designed to revolutionize the way we forecast weather on Earth is set to launch to space Saturday.。
The GOES-R satellite, developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is scheduled to launch to orbit atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at 5:43 p.m. ET Saturday.。
Once in space and operational, the satellite is expected to change the way we look at and forecast weather on our planet. 。
SEE ALSO:New U.S. satellite will 'revolutionize' weather forecasting。The satellite is one of four new geostationary spacecraft expected to launch between now and 2024 that will overhaul the way scientists look at the weather. In total, the program will cost about $10.83 billion.。
"These images can be used to aid in weather forecasts, severe weather outlooks, watches and warnings, lightning conditions, maritime forecasts and aviation forecasts," NASA wrote in a blog post about the mission.。
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You can watch the GOES-R satellite launch to space live online in the NASA TV window below starting at 4:45 p.m. ET.。
(Here's a link to the webcast, if you'd rather watch it on NASA directly.)。
Once GOES-R becomes operational, it will also keep watch over the space environment around Earth, helping scientists on the planet forecast potentially dangerous impacts from solar storms impacting the planet. 。
Strong solar storms can harm satellites in space and even mess with electrical grids on Earth, but having GOES-R in orbit should help researchers better understand our space environment, guarding against those effects. 。
GOES-R will also have the ability to track lighting around the Americas and surrounding oceans, helping to better forecast tornadoes and severe storms in the future, potentially saving lives.。相关文章
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