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A group of masked men would be a frightening sight for most people, but in the heat of the moment, they didn't faze six-year-old Sarah Patel. 。
The girl from Auckland, New Zealand charged in to help store employee, Jordan Byrt, as he tried to defend himself from axe-wielding man at her father's electronic store. 。
SEE ALSO:500 cows stolen from a farm in a 'cattle heist' worth $1 million 。A fearless Sarah tried to grab on to the leg of the man during the incident, before being taken away by her grandfather. 。
"She said was trying to save Jordan. This isn't the training I'd give to her obviously, because it's definitely risky. But she definitely did the brave thing," Sarah's father, Suhail, told 。 One News。One News 。
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By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up!。"One of the guys had a hand axe and he was chasing after us. I turned around and I saw the boss' young daughter here and I just tried to get them out as soon as I can, just trying to be a distraction ... kids are a priority, you've got to get them out first," he told the 。
NZ Herald 。 NZ Herald 。.。
When asked by 。 One News。whether she was scared to approach the "bad guy," Sarah shook her head and said "no." But the incident has been troubling for her and the family.。
"My daughter was so scared I just gave her a big hug. She said hitting is a bad thing and wanted to stop it," Sarah's mum, Nashrin told the 。
NZ Herald 。
"The whole incident is not only disturbing mentally it's also too much disturbance in the life. She couldn't sleep last night, got a bit of nausea and anxiety."。A group of five 16-year-old men were later caught by police following a chase across Auckland.。They were charged with aggravated robbery, injures with intent and breaching bail. Police are still looking for a sixth offender. 。They were charged with aggravated robbery, injures with intent and breaching bail. Police are still looking for a sixth offender.。相关文章
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