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Celebrities,ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloë take note: you know you've。 really 。ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloë got a doppelgänger when people start calling her by your name.。ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloë
That's what's happening with Edcell Ched,ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloë a student at the Philippines' City of Malabon University who also works at fast food restaurant Jollibee.。
Ched really,ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloë really looks like actress and Taylor Swift defier Chloë Grace Moretz. The similarity is so uncanny that it's earned her the on-the-nose nickname "The Filipina Chloë Moretz."。
SEE ALSO:The ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloëBernie Sanders doppelgänger wants you to know he's not Larry David, either 。The ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloëresemblance really is something. (For the record, the last photo below is a Snapchat face swap between Moretz and Ched, not Ched herself.)。

Thanks for signing up!。ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloë
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Moretz herself commented on ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloëthe whole thing, tweeting both "whoa whoa" and "WHOAA" on the initial photoset.。
And according to several fans who took screengrabs on ëGraceMoretzisamazedbythisChloëFacebook, Ched noticed Moretz's tweets and was overjoyed. Whew. Would have been weird if she thought the whole thing was kind of creepy.。
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So congrats, Edcell Ched. Like that Ed Sheeran lookalike who has trouble dating and that guy who could be Adam Sandler, you've won a round of the doppelgänger lottery. 。 [H/T: 。[H/T:。
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