
Kids have a knack for getting into places that they probably shouldn't be able to get into. In the case of Mason from Florida, the child managed to get himself stuck inside a claw machine at a Beef 'O' Brady's in Titusville, Florida (because, of course this would happen in Florida.)
Facebook user Amanda Evans captured a brief snippet of the rescue in action.
SEE ALSO:Meet the Super Bowl selfie kid who became a meme overnightMason climbed right into the claw machine to snatch up a toy. The Titusville Fire and Emergency Services were able to jump into action, rescuing Mason without great damage to the claw machine.
Mason's story has a happy ending though. The Titusville Fire and Emergency Services Facebook reports that after his rescue, Mason was able to get a stuffed animal.
Perhaps not surprisingly, this claw machine rescue is not the first of its kind. In fact, just a few months ago, another small child somehow managed to get stuck inside a claw machine. Turns out, kids get stuck inside claw machines way more often than you'd probably think was possible.
Seriously, how do they even get in there?
Let's not point fingers at distracted parents or busy employees and instead remember the fact that once we too were young and curious and unable to resist the lure of bright plush animals and the mysterious beckoning of the claw machine.
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