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There are cosplayers, and then there are magicians.。
Rebecca Lindsay, who debuted a truly incredible Mystique cosplay during Friday's Comic Con festivities, belongs in the latter category. 。
According to Cosplay in America, Lindsay used an army costume purchased on eBay and a blue sequin bodysuit to create the 。 X-Men 。inspired look. "We just cut off the extra [fabric] and sewed the uniform on top of the blue," she said, adding that her mom actually had to sew her into the costume.。
SEE ALSO:30 of New York Comic Con's most impressive cosplayers。SEE ALSO:30 of New York Comic Con's most impressive cosplayers。
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Jody Houser, who snapped the above photo, wrote that Lindsay's cosplay was the "best Mystique cosplay [she's] ever seen." 。 We will update this post if we find that Lindsay has actually obtained superpowers.。[H/T:。
Business Insider。
] 。BONUS VIDEO:。相关文章
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