
Old trends always have a way of popping back up, don't they?
Wirededitor, Arielle Pardes, left Twitter shook on Monday after posting a very revealing photo of how far we have come as a society. Spoiler: we haven't come that far.
SEE ALSO:The Hidden History of Fidget SpinnersYou know these new wacky gadgets called fidget spinners that have taken over the internet? Apparently, they have been around since roughly 2000-1800 B.C.E., as made evident by this museum display.
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Apparently, in ancient Iraq, they made a "spinning toy with animal heads" out of baked clay.
Who knew people in biblical times had trouble focusing? Surely there were less distractions.
Though the majority of Twitter found this revelation both hilarious and surprising, a few people pointed out that this ancient fidget spinner resembles more of a spice if anything.
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Well at least our fidget spinners come in fun colors. Also, is clay really the best material for toy that is supposed to spin? We are grateful the necessary changes were made in our 2017 model.
Next time you think you've come up with a mind-blowing invention, better check your local museum. It's all been done before.
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