
This is a story about the power of redemption. Everyone makes mistakes in life and sometimes those mistakes warrant blocking someone on Facebook.
You'd better mean business, because when you block someone, your Facebook friendship is automatically ended. But if you are suddenly possessed by the spirit of generosity, there is a way to forgive and forget. It's called unblocking someone on Facebook.
To be clear, unblocking someone means that they can see what you post publicly, but it does not mean that you are now Facebook friends with them. To do that, you must go the extra step of sending them a friend request. Facebook's help center has more info on adding friends and blocking.
How to unblock someone on Facebook
To unblock someone on Facebook, click the little downward-facing arrow in the top right corner of the screen.

In the drop-down, click "Settings & Privacy" then "Settings."

That will take you to a new page with all of your account settings. In the lefthand column, click on "Blocking." That will take you to the section where you can manage users, messages, pages, etc. that you've blocked.
In the "Block users" subsection, you can see a list of everyone that you've blocked. Next to the name of each blocked user is a button saying "Unblock."

Click that to unblock someone, and then click "Confirm" in the window that pops up to complete the action.
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