Good things rarely come from a note left on your windshield.
Paula Grzelak-Schultz from Sherwood Park, Canada, left her car parked overnight at her local pub, Original Joe's. When she went to reclaim her vehicle, a note was left on her windshield.
"When I found the letter on my windshield, I thought I was getting in trouble for leaving my car in front of the entryway to the pub," Grzelak-Schultz .
Instead, the letter was actually from the pub's managing partner, thanking Grzelak-Schultz for leaving her car in their lot instead of potentially driving home intoxicated.
Credit: Paula Grzelak-Schultz/Facebook"Just wanted to thank you for leaving your car overnight," wrote managing partner Jay McLean. "I'm not sure if you had consumer alcohol at our restaurant or not, but we wanted to thank you for not drinking and driving."
And to top it off, McLean threw in a gift to perfectly fix a hangover: a free pound of chicken wings.
"Please accept this as a thank you for being responsible," McLean writes. "Life is valuable, have a great weekend."
According to Global News, McLean was inspired to start leaving vouchers and notes on cars left in his parking lot after he heard of another restaurant doing something similar.
“Here, I’m in Sherwood Park, kind of out of the way, and I just thought, ‘wow, what a great idea,'” McLean told Global News. “With OJ’s, it’s all about community and I thought this was the perfect way to impact my community.”
In her Facebook post, Grzelak-Schultz says she will definitely return to the pub in the future.
"Wow! I'm so impressed," she wrote. "Definitely going back. Not just because of the voucher, but because of how well this guy treats his patrons."
Bonus: Stranger Things, but with hamsters
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