
  发布时间:2024-09-20 05:27:45   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Nothing says 'I love you' more than scaring your partner half to death each and every day. Husband a 。

Nothing says 'I love you' more than scaring your partner half to death each and every day.

Husband and prankster, Bobby Wesson, thought of a brilliant and creative way to get in a few chuckles in at his wife, Rayena's, expense. All in good fun, of course.

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Instead of replacing sugar with salt or jumping out and screaming, Wesson took his prank to the next level by incorporating a few creepy characters.

"My wife's car has this neat little backup camera that shows what is behind you when you put it in reverse – and I had some tape and some pictures," Wesson wrote in a Facebook post last week. "Always check your surroundings for safety."

Wesson told Mashablethat the idea for the prank began when he spotted one of his son's toy, a dinosaur, on the bumper of Rayena's car.

"I got in later to move it and when I put it in reverse this giant mouth full of teeth was in the back up camera and I jumped halfway out of the seat," Wesson said. "I wanted to share that feeling with the people I love."

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Mashable ImageCredit: bobby wessonMashable ImageCredit: bobby wessonMashable ImageCredit: bobby wessonMashable ImageCredit: bobby wesson

Although the joke itself was great, putting it together wasn't so easy. In fact, adding the pictures in the back-up camera took well over a month to install.

"It's harder than it looks," said Wesson. "The backup camera has a super wide angle fish eye lens so you've got to have the pictures right on top of it and angled just right or it won't work so I built this little frame out popsicle sticks that worked great but every picture is different."

Well, fortunately for him and unfortunately for Rayena, it did work and her reaction was priceless. According to the jokester husband, she would get so frightened from the photos that she would smash the frame, completely breaking it.

"The best one was probably the one I got her with at work. I had to track her car down in the parking deck," said Wesson. "She's a good sport. Over the top extra and playing is kind of our love language."

The couple even had a few hilarious exchanges through text regarding the prank and eventually his wife caught on to his tricks.

Mashable ImageCredit: bobby wessonMashable ImageCredit: bobby wessonMashable ImageCredit: bobby wesson

Although Wesson hasn't added another photo into Rayena's car, she's still very cautious.

"I haven't put a picture on her car in a couple of weeks and she still walks all the way around it before she gets in," said Wesson.

Just goes to show you, never trust the ones you love.

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