
There's not much to this post, and yet it is perhaps the most important thing I have ever written.
Here is what I know: there is a dog, somewhere (perhaps the Bay Area, California), and that dog is pushing a shopping cart around in a grocery store. The dog appears to be a German Shepherd, and the grocery store appears to be well-stocked.
SEE ALSO:Extremely excited pup just can't wait to catch the bus to doggy schoolTweet may have been deleted
You may be thinking, "So what? It's a fluke, the dog just happened to jump up on the cart." Wrong. Exhibit B:
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Look, that's it, okay? That's all I have for this one. The dog is pushing a shopping cart. It is one of the best things I have ever seen in my life and more than 70,000 people have faved the dog.
I wish I had more information to give you about this dog and yet, at the same time, I am happy that there is still some mystery in the world.
Have a nice day and remember not to stare directly at the sun.
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