He's been saying it for years: Bernie Sanders is one of the most meme-able presidential candidates of our time.
Just one week into December and he's already announced a radical plan to bring everyone high-speed internet. Now, the presidential hopeful is contributing to web culture in the form of a fantastic meme, seemingly adding his voice to the chorus of supporters demanding hungry felines get a fair shot because "cats can have little a salami."
When you visit the goldmine of a URL www.cancatshavealittlesalami.com, you'll find Sanders' latest policy plan to tackle the issue of systemic wealth inequality plaguing our country.
"I’m running for president so that every cat can have a little salami, regardless of their income or where they were born. Together, we can give a little salami to every cat in America," the site reads, with an apparent sign off from Sanders himself and link to volunteer for the campaign.
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Best of all, the kitten thumbnail attached to the URL doesn't spoil the surprise. So when you send it to your friend or post it on social media, people will click not knowing they're about to have a side of politics with their salami.
Jokes aside, the site states clearly that it's not affiliated with the official Sanders campaign in any way (adorably saying #NotMeowUs). But it captures the spirit of Sanders all the same, and serves as a demonstration of the ingenuity of his support in the grassroots movement that's risen out of his presidential bids.
SEE ALSO:Bernie Sanders unveils his plan to bring everyone high-speed internetSome criticize Sanders' policies for being too idealistic or radical (or perhaps, too threatening to establishment politics for the comfort of said critics). Others say he should stand down to make room for fellow progressive and presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren. But the truth is, to paraphrase Sanders, that for too long the top 1 percent of humans have been eating all the salami in the U.S., leaving little to no salami for the middle and lower class feline populations.
In case you missed the latest cat meme making the rounds on the world wide web, it was born out of an innocent typo that was just random enough for the internet to take to it as a phrase applicable to all situations. You can read more about it here.
While the meme might not come from Sanders himself, we stan a salami-for-all policy.
TopicsBernie SandersMemesPolitics
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