
In last night's episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian recalls the horrifying details of the night she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris.
"I just knew that was the moment. They're just totally going to shoot me in the head," says Kim to her sisters. "I just prayed that Kourtney's going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed."
SEE ALSO:Man arrested for destroying multiple copies of Kim Kardashian's selfie bookPrior to the episode's premiere, Kim tweeted about how important it was to tell her side of the story. "I took a tragic horrific experience and did not let it diminish me, rather grew and evolved and allowed the experience to teach me," she wrote.
Kim was in bed wearing just a night robe when she heard what she assumed was Kourtney returning to the apartment they were sharing for the week, but she quickly realized something sinister was taking place. She didn't have time to figure out how to alert French authorities before the armed men entered her apartment by forcing the handcuffed concierge to use the key to enter the "rapper's wife" apartment. Because of the language barrier, the concierge had to act as an interpreter, adding to the confusion. Eventually, they duct taped her mouth to prevent her from screaming.
"Okay, this is the moment. They're going to rape me," Kim tells her sisters. "And I fully mentally prepped myself."
But fortunately, they did not physically harm her and placed her in the apartment's bathtub before heading off with the jewelry. In January, French authorities arrested 16 people associated with the robbery.
You can watch a recap of the episode below.
In next week's episode, the family will focus on security following the robbery.
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