A chimpanzee is the hottest attraction at a newly reopened zoo in North Korea after learning that the chimp smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.。
The 19-year-old chimp, named Azalea, Dallae in Korean, reportedly smokes a pack a day, according to。 The Guardian 。. Azalea lights her own smokes using a lighter, or by bumming a light from another cigarette.。

While it's unclear if Azalea is straight up chain smoking, zoo staff insists that the chimp doesn't inhale, so like, no big deal, guys.。
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While many would imagine that a smoking chimp would shock and disgust park guests, visitors were reportedly laughing on Wednesday as Azalea enjoyed her bogey.。The Guardian。

Credit: AP/Wong Maye-E。
The zoo has been previously criticized for its inadequate conditions, and even made The Dodo's list of the worst zoos on the planet.。
The zoo was originally built in the 1959, and underwent renovations in 2014, and was re-opened in July. Though the zoo reportedly only housed 50 badgers when it opened, it's now home to trained dogs, elephants camels, reptiles, monkeys and bears and attracts thousands of visitors each day. 。
Bonus: Adorable kittens recreate classic horror films。
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