
Forget Chili's dinner for two special—the bar and grill just served us a hot fresh plate of healthcare knowledge in just under 140 characters.
Twitter user Colin Gray (@subtlerbutler) went on a tweetstorm on Wednesday about why people should start asking each other information outside of the internet.
SEE ALSO:Denny's craptastic new mascot has inspired some pretty good poop jokes"There's this weird thing you can do, where, if you need information from someone, you can ask them instead of the internet," he wrote. "If you live in the same town, you might be able to see them in person. Who knows! The world is your goddam [sic] oyster."
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In case no one understood his rant, he decided to include Chili's restaurant as a prime example of someone to ask, because who doesn't love or trust Chili's?
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Someone decided to humor Gray and ask him what questions he would ask Chili's. He responded with a serious question about his medical bills and a role the healthcare system plays in paying for his checkups.
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Chili's came to the rescue and schooled all of us on the meaning of copays. Who knew a restaurant had so much knowledge on healthcare? No more asking the lady at the front desk what the charges mean.
"If your deductible hasn't been met, your copay is how much it costs to simply leave your doctor's office. They can charge way more later," Chili's tweeted.
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After Gray thanked the restaurant chain for answering his question, it didn't take long for others to ask Chili's for some advice and have their lives changed forever.
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However, we have to understand the restaurant chain isn't Wikipedia. Sadly, some answers must remain unsolved.
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Aside from the advice, some people took to Twitter to show the similarities between Chili's take on healthcare and our local politicians.
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Chili's just took their famous slogan "for great American food...think daily" to a whole new meaning.
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