
  发布时间:2024-09-20 00:06:21   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Many of us have fond memories of some of the very first computers we used.。Now you can relive some o 。

Many of us have fond memories of some of the very first computers we used.。

Now you can relive some of that nostalgia with these cute retro tech Lego builds, harking back to the days of floppy disks, CRT monitors, and old video games. 。

SEE ALSO:This LEGO-style 3D tape is your childhood dream come true。

They've been created by designer Chris McVeigh, who sells these custom builds on his website. 。

Like "My Old Desktop," a combination of the brown desk, with a computer (the "Pal edition" is pictured below), plus an assortment of peripherals like a business card organizer, a cassette tape, and a calculator. 。

Mashable Games
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Mashable ImageThanks for signing up! 。Mashable ImageMy Old Desktop: The Pal edition.Credit: Chris McVeigh。

Credit: Chris McVeigh。

Mashable ImageOf course, you can't talk about classic computers without mentioning the Commodore 64. 。

Credit: Chris McVeigh 。

Mashable ImageOr the Apple Macintosh.。

Credit: Chris McVeigh。

Mashable ImageThere's also consoles and gaming scenes from years gone by, immortalized in the form of the toy brick. All the memories.。Mashable ImageCredit: Chris McVeigh。Mashable ImageCredit: Chris McVeigh 。Mashable ImageCredit: Chris McVeigh 。

Credit: Chris McVeigh 。 [h/t 。Geek 。

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