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Picture it: The year's 2017 and despite being cancelled in 1992, Golden Girls。is still your favorite show. What's a cheesecake-loving gal to do? Where can one hang out with pals and confidantes?
Don't worry, fellow friends of Dorothy (and Blanche, Rose and Sophia) -- the first 。 Golden Girls。cafe is open for business, and Instagram users have been showing it love.。
Via Giphy 。SEE ALSO:'Golden Girls' is headed to Hulu in February。NYC's Rue La Rue carries the motto "thank you for being a friend" and is dedicated to Rue McClanahan, who played everybody's favourite Southern floozy, Blanche Devereaux, on the iconic series. 。
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View this post on Instagram 。 Along with actresses Betty White, Bea Arthur and Estelle Getty, McClanahan is honored in the themed eatery with memorabilia lining the walls and a menu that's 100 percent 。Golden Girls. 。

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The cafe's owner, Michael LaRue, was a good friend of McClanahan and is the executor of her estate, meaning the place is filled with her personal belongings, including her Emmy. 。
Via Giphy。
Via Giphy。
McClanahan's son, Mark Bish, is a co-owner of the Washington Heights cafe, which opened earlier this month. 。
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The cafe's currently open for breakfast and lunch, with a dinner menu expected to follow in the next few weeks.。
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Forget Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. The real groundbreaking feminists of TV were Miami retirees. May their legacy live on in every bite of delicious cheesecake and every shade-y remark shared between gal pals.。View this post on Instagram 。View this post on Instagram 。Featured Video For You。'Golden Girls' starring 4 best dog friends will be your favorite fluffy remake 。
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