As if there weren't enough reasons to worship comedian Amy Schumer already. We also knew she was a crass angel, sent from heaven, but now THIS comes along.。
Performing a standup show in Stockholm, Sweden recently, Schumer was only two minutes in into her act when a heckler yelled out the highly original line: "Show us your tits!" 。" 。
Dude. Who the eff do you think you're dealing with? She insults people like you。 for a living 。.。
SEE ALSO:J.K. Rowling and Amy Schumer just had the sweetest exchange on Twitter。
Without missing a beat, Schemer was facing off with the douchey commenter, asking him about his life choices and noting his choice of attire (a shirt that read "I love pussies.") 。Via Giphy 。
"That's really cute, that's really cute," she said "But if you yell out again, you're going to be yelling 'Show us your tits' to people in the parking lot, because you're going to get thrown out, motherf**ker." BAM. Our girl. 。
But it wasn't over. Horror of horrors — the genius heckler decided to keep going. And with that, Schumer had the jerklord escorted off the premises. Then her team uploaded the video to her official YouTube channel.。
It's truly breathtaking. Inspirational even. If only we could evict rude catcallers off planet Earth, too.。It's truly breathtaking. Inspirational even. If only we could evict rude catcallers off planet Earth, too.。相关文章
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