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  发布时间:2025-03-09 10:40:24   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Panic briefly took over on Tuesday when everyone's favorite messaging app/millstone went down tempor 。

Panic briefly took over on Tuesday when everyone's favorite messaging app/millstone went down temporarily. 。

Office communications, Giphy gags and helpful pings were halted while Slack worked on the issue that prevented many users from accessing the app. 。

SEE ALSO:Slack outage cues massive freakout, but it's significant for more than that  。

Slackbot momentarily and mercifully fell silent for many as reports of connectivity issues started coming in late morning Pacific Time. 。

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Confusion and anguish reigned as people agonized about their productivity. 。

Others saw it as a chance to break free and escape to the real world. 。

Eventually Slack spoiled the fun and said everything was getting back to normal.。

Mashable ImageCredit: slack。

While many people live lives completely free of Slack, it's an increasingly popular tool. It boasted 3 million active users in May, up from 1 million in June 2015.。

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Mashable。Mashable  。

has reached out to Slack for more information.。

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