
Let ChatGPT plan your next trip with Expedia's travel app.
On Tuesday, the travel booking site announced a new chatbot tool powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT. In the Expedia app, you can start a conversation with ChatGPT and get recommendations on destinations, hotels, transportation, and activities. ChatGPT in Expedia also takes it a step further by automatically favoriting hotels it recommends in the conversation.
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Expedia recently launched a plugin with OpenAI, where users can plan trips on the ChatGPT site using Expedia's travel data. Now, the same ChatGPT integration can be used in Expedia's app. "We really want to meet our travelers wherever they are," said Expedia CTO Rathi Murthy of the ChatGPT plugin and the in-app ChatGPT combo. Whether you're on ChatGPT or in the Expedia app, you can start a conversation about travel plans and flow right into booking the trip.
Expedia's ChatGPT integration is one of many that have launched in the wake of OpenAI's API for third party developers and release of its latest Large Language Mode (LLM) GPT-4. Rival travel company Kayak also announced a ChatGPT plugin. Outside of the travel industry, work tools like Zoom, Slack, and Grammarly and apps like Snapchat, OpenTable, and Klarna have all jumped on the ChatGPT bandwagon. By leveraging ChatGPT's conversational AI, companies like Expedia are looking to make booking travel easier and more convenient.
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Expedia's ChatGPT feature is currently in beta and is globally available on iOS as of today.
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