
  发布时间:2025-03-13 17:12:47   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Nothing beats chatting about books with friends.That's why we're happy to announce Mashable's newest 。

Nothing beats chatting about books with friends.

That's why we're happy to announce Mashable's newest audio venture, The MashReads Podcast -- a weekly show where we'll talk about what we're reading and what's happening in the book world.

The MashReads Podcast is an extension of our social book club, MashReads, and our ongoing books coverage. Think of it as a book club you can put in your pocket. 

You can learn more about the team in our introductory episode, below.

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And don't forget to follow MashReads on Facebook and Twitter for more book news.

Happy reading, everyone!

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