
Out of the ashes of defeat, there emerges a hero new.
For anyone still reeling from a Trump election win in the U.S., we bring you Lillian the dog.
A boxer from Australia, Lily's reactions to everyday nothings articulate the inner workings of us all -- from toddler tantrums to goofy grins, she is truly the people's four-legged princess.
May she refresh and unburden you, if only for a few minutes.
SEE ALSO:Mystery solved: Dogs don't like sour warheadsHere she is having a meltdown because she's inexplicably fed-up.
Feel free to indulge in some coy canine flirtation, to perk you up when you're feeling down.
Caught in the act, turn to Lily for a prime example of how to adorably whine your way out of a situation, where you did something you know you shouldn't have. Like putting a pig ear on the couch. #relatable
Perhaps you'd prefer the doggie iteration of the subtle art of hint-dropping.
Videos of Lily appear on her owners' Youtube channel every month or so and we highly recommend bookmarking that bad boy for permanent, mental healing.
Lily the boxer: Protector of feelings, bringer of joy.
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