
There's this phone called the iPhone 7, you may have heard of it. It will be available for purchase in stores in two days, on Sept. 16 and -- as is customary -- Apple has released the first ad for the device on its YouTube channel.
Unlike Apple's ads of yesteryear, there's no narrator and there are very few humans. Instead, the film is dark, fast-paced and uses symbolism-laden imagery to show off the phone's crucial features.
SEE ALSO:Getting up close and personal with the iPhone 7 PlusIn order, the highlights include the dual cameras on the iPhone 7 Plus, stereo speakers (both the 7 and 7 Plus have them), water resistance and longer battery life.
If you blink, you might miss the moment the owl's eyes turn into cameras or the lightning bolt, which (probably) stands for battery life, but the ad is short, beautiful and you will likely want to see it again, which is a quality few ads possess these days.
It's also obvious that Apple is betting on the Jet Black to be everyone's favorite color -- the ad is bursting with shiny blackness.
One interesting moment happens at 0:17, when Apple shows the shortest warning ever (it lasts less than a second). It says: "Water resistance IP67 under IEC standard 60529. Liquid damage not covered under warranty." So, yes, while the iPhone 7 is water resistant, if it dies from watery damage, Apple will not replace it.
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