
If you haven't made the pilgrimage to visit the gigantic statue of a headless Rihanna in Berlin, RiRi has done yet another thing that's cooler than whatever you're up to.
She was kind enough to document the visit on Snapchat for everyone who was not in the presence of two Rihannas to enjoy.
SEE ALSO:Your hero Rihanna fell off a swan float to save her glass of winePrior to the visit to the work work work work of art, our hero wisely double fisted beer and champagne.

She then played with some children and soaked up the masterpiece, which is probably mostly impressive to her because most mirrors aren't that big.

The statue, titled Ewaipanoma (Rihanna), was created by Colombian artist Juan Sebastián Peláez as part of the ninth Berlin Biennalle for Contemporary Art, and based off a paparazzi photo of RiRi at the beach.
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