
Travel companies are already trying to get Americans to leave the country, before Donald Trump even takes office.
Airlines, hotels, travel sites and other industry players offered discounts on vacations and flights after Trump won the U.S. presidential election Tuesday night.
Most notably, the budget provider Spirit Airlines emailed customers to promote 75 percent discounts on flights to Canada.
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The offer came early Wednesday, as many Americans were still processing the news and the popular vote was still being tallied.
Booking.com told its Twitter followers to "detox from the election" and book any trip on its site (no discount included).
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Plenty of smaller hotels and cruise companies also tried to capitalize on Americans' desire to take a vacation.
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Florida's Tween Waters Inn, however, might have overestimated Americans' desire to visit the state after its close election results.
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The deals could persuade Americans who fantasize about escaping to Canada or, um, Florida. The travel site Cheapflights.com claimed that searches for one-way flights to Canada were up 133 percent the day after election day compared to searches in the same period over the last four weeks.
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