发布时间:2025-03-07 11:05:30 作者:玩站小弟

We're almost through October. How? I don't know. What a world. Another pandemic week in the books, p
We're almost through October. How? I don't know. What a world.
Another pandemic week in the books, people. The presidential debates are finished (thank goodness). Halloween is coming up. The election is less than a fortnight away. A fortnight!
So, anyway, we collected our favorite tweets again. Because we can. And because you deserve a laugh during...all this.
Here they are, the 14 best tweets.

1. Stop beeping while you're at it
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2. If you don't get this, I cannot explain it. But it is good.
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3. I've been whispering, "Weird Al, an American original" to myself over and over all week. Also, this is the best Trump impression. It nails the nonsense word association.
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4. Everything gets a little worse over time
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5. Only Nic Cage could deliver this line.
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6. It's the "kind regards" that gets me here
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7. Spo0oO0oky
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8. Ouch. Direct hit.
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9. Obligatory dril tweet
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10. Another dril tweet for good measure
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11. Only managers can do that
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12. Don't play w me gordon.
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13. Inception doesn't hold a candle to this
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14. And finally, this
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