
GET TWO FOR ONE: As of Dec. 14, get two Masterclass memberships for the price of one starting at $10 per month.

Learning new things is always fun, and learning from the greats is even better. MasterClass is a subscription service that lets you learn about cooking from Gordon Ramsay, study storytelling with Neil Gaiman, and learn makeup techniques from Bobbi Brown. And that's just the tip of the iceberg — there are dozens of other experts willing to divulge their secrets. If you want to learn from the best or give someone the gift of self-improvement, MasterClass has a holiday offer you won't want to miss.
As of Dec. 14, you can get two MasterClass subscriptions for the price of one during the brand's holiday sale. For just $10 per month, you'll get two memberships, one to keep and one to share. There are different plans available if that doesn't work: two memberships connected via one account and one device for $10, two Duo memberships that offer one account and two devices for $15, and two Family memberships that share an account and six devices for $20.
SEE ALSO:Best gifts under $50 for everyone on your listNo matter what you're looking to learn, MasterClass has a wide library of classes to help you hone your skills. Choose from over 180 classes in 11 different categories, all from notable individuals who are outstanding in their fields. Each course offers a celebrity teacher with discussions, videos, group Q&A sessions, offline learning options, and much, much more.
This is a great last-minute holiday gift if you still haven't finished your shopping. It's also a good investment if you're trying to kick off 2024 by learning something new (or trying something out you've always been curious about).
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