
Australia is known for freaky accidents, usually involving the country's dangerous wildlife. But is that reputation a little unfair?
Take the guy who narrowly escaped death last Sunday after diving into crocodile-infested waters in Queensland.。
Sure, it's a precarious situation. But it could've been avoided...if only the dude wasn't a dumbass, according to Australian comedian Ronny Chieng on。 The Daily Show.。
The Daily Show. 。SEE ALSO:Australians are very bad at driving if this dash cam compilation's anything to go by 。

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"I've lived there for 10 years. Nothing happened ... My point is Australia can be dangerous, if you're a dumbass. But everywhere is dangerous if you're a dumbass. A car wash can be dangerous if you're a dumbass." 。
Of course, you can also blame Australia's love of goon -- a.k.a. extremely cheap boxed wine -- for the country's eye-watering stupidity.。 It's still no excuse to jump in with crocodiles to land a date, though. Unless you're a dumbass.。It's still no excuse to jump in with crocodiles to land a date, though. Unless you're a dumbass.。
] 。
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