
Video game streamer Tyler1, known as "the most toxic League of Legendsplayer in North America," was indefinitely banned from playing League of Legendson any account in April 2016. In January 2018, he may get a shot at redemption.
SEE ALSO:'League of Legends' developer called out for implying he hopes a streamer diesTyler1 revealed during a stream Monday night that League of Legendsdeveloper Riot Games will evaluate all of the League of Legendsaccounts he has made since his indefinite ban (around 20 of which have individually been banned after Riot found out he created them) to determine if the company should continue to uphold his current ban. If Tyler1's claims of being "the most reformedLeague of Legendsplayer in North America" are to be believed, he'll be back to playing in three months.
When this news hit the League of LegendsReddit on Monday, a Riot Games employee who goes by "The Cactopus" clarified that although Tyler1 (the person) may be allowed to play League of Legendswithout getting his account immediately banned regardless of his actions, his accounts that have already been permanently banned will not be unbanned.
To prove he has reformed himself, Riot will have to uncover no instances of him berating his teammates or opponents, no instances of him intentionally dying to enemy players (known as feeding), and no instances of him going AFK (away from keyboard) during matches.
Those three things are what landed Tyler1 in hot water in the first place, fueled by his infamously short-fused temper that could explode any time he didn't get to pick his favorite character Draven or his teammates didn't do something the way he wanted them to do it.
Despite his penchant for raging, Tyler1 was one of the top solo players in the world before getting banned, reaching into the top 20 by playing almost exclusively as Draven.
The only instance that could've triggered this change of heart from Riot Games was the recent controversy with ex-Riot employee Aaron "Sanjuro" Rutledge saying he would "be gucci" if Tyler1 died of a drug overdose or testicular cancer in a League of Legendschat room earlier this month. Rutledge parted ways with Riot soon after and Riot's The Cactopus apologized to Tyler1 and the League of Legendscommunity on behalf of Riot.
In response to Rutledge's comments, Tyler1 tweeted that he is disappointed that people still think poorly of him and that he has changed.
Tweet may have been deleted
We will see if his claims of being changed ring true to Riot in January.
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