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  发布时间:2025-03-09 10:29:26   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Can't decide whether to live in Canada or the United States? Even in the current political climate? 。

Can't decide whether to live in Canada or the United States? Even in the current political climate? Okay. Well, if you buy this house in Vermont, you'll straddle the border between the two countries. In fact, there's a border marker right outside the front door.。

But right now, Brian and Joan DuMoulin, who own the property in the community of Beebe Plain, say they're having trouble finding a buyer. For one thing, the house needs a lot of work. For another, heightened post-9/11 security restrictions have made it occasionally awkward to traverse the grounds. Brian explained to 。 TIME,for example, that Joan and her sister once had to report to Canadian border patrol because a new agent didn't recognize them. 。

SEE ALSO:Justin Trudeau casually kayaks over to talk to his constituents 。Mashable ImageSEE ALSO:Justin Trudeau casually kayaks over to talk to his constituents。

Credit: Zillow 。

"If there is an awkwardness, it's that you can't just go this way or that way, you've got to go through [the ports of entry] and then back through." 。Mashable Top StoriesStay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news.Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories newsletter 。By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。

By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up! 。Still, if that seems worth it, and you don't mind a little Chip and Joanna-esque 。

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Fixer Upper 。

action, it seems like a lovely house in a lovely community -- and it's available for both Canadians and Americans to purchase. Bonus: armed 24-hour security from two powerful nations!。。
Check out the listing here.。
Featured Video For You 。Harry Potter's childhood home is now for sale。
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