
Warning: this post contains plenty of Game of Thronesspoilers.
LONDON -- Feeling confident that Jon Snow is going to come back from the dead, are you?
Well, now you can put your money where your mouth is.
SEE ALSO:There may be just 13 episodes of 'Game of Thrones' left after Season 6UK gambling site Betsafe has a full page of special odds for Game of ThronesSeason 6. You can place bets on anything from "Which character will die first?" to "How will Jon Snow be brought back to life?"
Here are some of the betting possibilities.

It might seem like a strange prediction, what with him being dead and all -- but at 50/1, Eddard Stark appearing first might not actually be a terrible bet. It's likely that a young Eddard Stark will make an appearance at some point in Season 6, after all -- and they didstart Season 5 with that flashback of a young Cersei.
The odds on "How will Jon Snow be brought back to life?" are pretty entertaining.

Looks like that Melisandre resurrection is the bookies' favourite.
If you're the morbid type, you can even place a bet on who will be the first to die.

Things aren't looking good for poor old Jorah Mormont. (Presumably it's the greyscale that's giving him such low odds.) Happily, though, Ramsay Snow is in a firm second place.
Finally, there's even a "first cause of death" category.

Not that we're the betting types -- but if we hadto participate, these would be our picks for all of those:
1.Daenerys won'treach Westeros.
2.A young Eddard Stark will appear first in flash-back form.
3.The Dothraki willfight for Daenerys as their leader (some of them, anyway -- after they see that dragon).
4.Jon Snow will be brought back by Lady Melisandre.
5.The Starks won'tbe reunited.
6.Eddard Stark is definitely notalive.
7.Out of that list, we reckon Alliser Thorne might be first to go (he's got it coming, and we know just the right freshly-resurrected bastard for the job).
8.Ramsay will die before Theon (although that might just be wishful thinking).
9.The first cause of death will be by sword.
10.Yep, Jon Snow willleave the Nights' Watch.
Don't hold us to any of those.
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