【】It's the best of both worlds.
Hey, technology, it's about time you meet this thing called nature. 。
French artist Christophe Guinet works to combine components of nature with aspects of modern day culture and technology, and for his latest project, "Plant Your Mac," he's decided to merge classic Apple products with living plants. 。
It's the best of both worlds.。
SEE ALSO:Batman goes all-natural with suit made out of tree bark。
The project features classic Macintosh products and old school computers — the iMac G3, the Powerbook and Macintosh Classic — transformed as terrariums. 。 Guinet told 。Guinet told 。
Mashable。via email that he had the unique project in mind for a while after seeing how technologically dependent people have become over the years.。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET 。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET 。
"I realized that we tend to forget reality in front of our machines," he said. "Planting your Mac is a way for me to convey a message by recalling that nature exists." Through these photographs Guinet hopes to remind others that though modern technology is impressive, it is important to disconnect and return to the natural world every once in a while. 。The photographer explained that he believes our generation is coming to terms with the fact that industrialization has the potential to destroy our planet, so he wants to remind everyone the beauty in the natural world. 。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET 。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET 。Credit: CHRISTOPHE GUINET 。
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