Rejoice, sci-fi and fantasy fans!Game of Thronesand Narcosstar Pedro Pascal will take the lead role in the new Star Wars series, The Mandalorian.
SEE ALSO:The Star Wars live-action TV show has a titlePascal is best known for his portrayal of fan favorite Prince Oberyn Martell in Season 4 of Game of Thrones, in which he memorably visited many a brothel and battled the Mountain in Tyrion's defense. Then, you know...the thing happened. The head thing. Don't make me type it out, it's gross.
The Mandalorian will live on Disney's upcoming streaming service Disney+ and is one of two announced live-action Star Wars series on the service. The other, a Rogue Oneprequel series, stars Diego Luna reprising his role as Cassian Andor.
H/t Variety
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