
In Australia, most kids can't go to a party without encountering a snack called fairy bread.。
It's white bread, topped with margarine and colourful hundreds and thousands (A.K.A. sprinkles.)。
The kids Down Under are wild for it. So too is actress Emma Stone, it turns out. 。
SEE ALSO:Hold onto your fairy bread, foodies. Chocolate cheese is a thing now. 。Having only recently been deemed trendy by a U.S. publication (much to the horror of average Australians), Stone spoke of her love of the snack while accepting the award for Best Actress for her role in 。 La La Land 。 La La Land。

Credit: flickr/slushpup 。 "Unfortunately, it has been about three years since I was in Australia and I tried fairy bread when I was there which I hear was just for children," Stone said, according to。ABC News 。
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"But I loved it and am really looking forward to having it again."。
Stone tried it for the first time at a Sydney café called Parliament on King alongside Andrew Garfield back in 2014, fascinated by the strange menu item.。
"She never had it, she didn't even know what fairy bread was," the café explained in a blog post at the time.。
"So we made Emma our Fairy Bread and she says it's lovely and seems to mean it." 。
"So we made Emma our Fairy Bread and she says it's lovely and seems to mean it." 。Turns out she really did.。Featured Video For You。Michelle Obama tears up during final speech as First Lady。
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