At last, we know what happens when you completely drown an iPhone 7 in liquid rubber. 。
TechRax, the YouTube channel behind a number of bizarre tech stunts, released a new video Saturday demonstrating the process for all. Nearly 5 million people have tuned in so far to see if the iPhone would still be standing by the end. 。
Spoiler: It's fine.。
Spoiler: It's fine.。SEE ALSO:Dude frolics in 1,500-gallon pool of Coca-Cola, adds Mentos and drones 。
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This is also the same guy who drilled a "headphone jack" into the iPhone 7. Don't try any of this at home, obviously. 。
In his latest video, TechRax tests what happens when you pour liquid rubber all over a brand new iPhone 7 in the box and place the top back on. The liquid hardens after five hours, and he peels the layer of rubber off the iPhone. It leaves detailed mold in the rubber that captures every detail of the phone and its accessories. 。
The iPhone 7 still turned on and was fully functional. 。
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