Kendrick Lamar's hotly anticipated new album,DAMN., is scheduled to release Friday.
For mere mortals, that is. Somepeople, apparently — some specialpeople — already seem to have it.
Lucky for us, LeBron James likes to share.
If you follow James on Instagram, you probably saw him rapping along to parts from the new album. Here are more than two minutes of clips, compiled by the Twitter account Fashionably-Early and stitched together from James' Instagram story.
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A Kendrick rep confirmed to The Faderthat James is, in fact, enjoying material from DAMN. (We learned not long ago that James is a massive fan of the rapper.)
So if you really, really, reallycan't wait until Friday for your new Kendrick fix, just watch that clip of James again and again to hold you over.
Meanwhile, here's the album's tracklist.
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