【】Internet, meet your new spirit animal.

  发布时间:2025-03-07 11:26:32   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
Internet, meet your new spirit animal.。Scientists aboard the research vessel the E/V Nautilus, off t 。

Internet, meet your new spirit animal. 。

Scientists aboard the research vessel the E/V Nautilus, off the coast of California, were shocked and delighted to find this little squid chilling on the ocean floor. 。

SEE ALSO:Playful dolphin at SeaWorld snatches woman's iPad, splashes everyone 。

According to the commentary, the researchers concluded that the strange creature with big "googly eyes" was a cuttlefish, but is actually called a Stubby squid (or a。 Rossia pacifica。Rossia pacifica。

). However, this particular squid is closely related to the cuttlefish.。Mashable Light SpeedWant more out-of-this world tech, space and science stories?Sign up for Mashable's weekly Light Speed newsletter. 。By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。

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The bright purple color and enormous eyes makes the sea creature look almost fake. "It’s like some little kid dropped their toy," said one scientist in the video commentary. 。

Another exclaimed, "do something!

Another exclaimed, "do something!" on the commentary. If you look very close, you can see one of its tentacles moving slowly. 。

Via Giphy 。

Of course, perfectly round, googly eyes aren't entirely uncommon in the animal kingdom. A new species of frog found in Costa Rica, for example, looks just like Kermit the Frog.。

We're just so happy to know this Stubby squid exists.。We're just so happy to know this Stubby squid exists. 。TopicsAnimalsViral Videos 。
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