【】is what it's called, naturally.

WeRateDogs is a great Twitter account to follow because it recognizes a basic truth about life: all dogs are good dogs.。
Now, dog_rates creator Matt Nelson has teamed up with the London-based Fourthwall Games to deliver a mobile game that celebrates all the lovable puppers and doggos of the world.。 Good Dogs。Good Dogs。
is what it's called, naturally. 。SEE ALSO:WeRateDogs Twitter combats Muslim ban with 'unconditional love' 。
It's a free-to-play endless runner that will be hitting Android and iOS app stores on Feb. 3. The more time you spend playing -- or the more money you spend, if you prefer -- the more dogs you unlock. No energy bars or timers or anything like that.。

As you can see in the trailer, it's a straightforward game that's about letting puppers and doggos live their best life.。
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You guide your chosen pooch around and over obstacles for as long as you can while collecting bones. There are dogs and hats to unlock -- yes, hats -- and the whole game is sprinkled with the sort of smile-inducing comments that make Nelson's Twitter feed such an enjoyable place.。
WeRateDogs was born in Nov. 2015, and it quickly amassed huge followings on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat thanks to its abundance of cute pup photos, quirky one-liners, and willingness to regularly assign ratings higher than its 1-10 scale technically allows (because dogs). 。
As the world has seemingly fallen apart in more recent months, the dog-rating Twitter feed has taken on a more willfully positive stance. Nelson has made it clear: dogs are fonts of unconditional love, and humans could stand to learn something from that.。
Fourthwall's Chris Etches sums it up pretty well.。
"We are thrilled to be helping Matt bring his booping and numeric quantifying of Dogs to a mobile gaming audience," he said in a statement. "And while other games may feature more high drama or epic battles, our game lets you joyfully run through a park as dogs, what more could you ask for? 13/10 would collaborate again."。 13/10 would collaborate again." 。
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