【】But don't worry; there's a screenshot.
It's not the coolest thing to rag on people for their spelling, but there are some people we have to hold to a higher standard.。
For example: the government of the most powerful nation on earth. 。
On Friday, the White House sent out a tweet with a selection from Trump's speech earlier in the day. Of course, it wouldn't be a White House tweet if it didn't include a flagrant misspelling.。
SEE ALSO:Hero ruins Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a pickaxe 。SEE ALSO:Hero ruins Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a pickaxe。
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"If economic growth continues at this pace, THE UNITED SATES ECONOMY WILL DOUBLE IN SIZE more than 10 years faster than it would have under President Bush or President Obama," the now-deleted tweet explained. 。But don't worry; there's a screenshot.。
But don't worry; there's a screenshot. 。
White House/TwitterCredit:。
Sigh. How hard is it for these folks to use spellcheck? That software was introduced decades ago and all you have to do is follow the red squiggly line. Not that Trump himself would know. 。
I'm also not sure how Trump obtained those projections or what kind of economic model he was using. The country's upward economic trajectory began under Obama, not Trump, and at a speed higher than the one we're currently enjoying.。
Not that it matters anymore; if you can't figure out spelling, you'll never figure out math.。
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