
The world spins, the sun rises, and Piers Morgan makes stupid jokes on Twitter. This time, though, it was actually a little fun for the rest of us -- thanks to 92-year-old film and TV icon Dick Van Dyke.
On Saturday, Morgan -- who is on the wrong side of history 90 percent of the time -- thought it would be a good idea to crack a joke about Van Dyke's name. "Imagine being called Dick Van Dyke in the PC-crazed era?" Morgan tweeted. "Poor guy. He'll have to change his name to Richard Van Non-Binary-Gender-Fluid."
Tweet may have been deletedSEE ALSO:Is 'don't feed the trolls' actually good advice? It's complicated.
(To be fair, this joke is doing a lot of work: It's condescending, misogynistic, and homophobic.)
Here's how Van Dyke responded. No words, just the perfect screenshot from Diagnosis: Murder.

Tweet may have been deleted
And perhaps that's the best way to deal with the Piers Morgans of the world: saying nothing, staring incredulously for a moment, then moving on.
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